1. im confused on the free days..whats free? i know you have to pay for parking and food but what is the cost
    to get in the aquarium?

    1. On the “free days” specifically you can get into Waters of the World, Amazon Rising, and the Caribbean Reef without paying any admission fee. Right, things like parking and food are extra, but the actual admission will be free on the listed free days. I hope that helps!

    1. They have only updated the dates through September 2014. They are: September 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, 24, 29, 30.

    2. Go into one of those boat tours of Chicago. . . I went to Chicago once and that was the highlight of our trip. . . To leanr a lot about Chicago hsority and see some amazing things along the river and that’s where some of the buildings that are expensive really surprising. Trump Tower is currently building over it, too. .

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