First Wives Club On Broadway Debuts And Succeeds In Chicago

First Wives Club On Broadway Debuts And Succeeds In Chicago

If you have ever watched the First Wives Club movie and didn’t think it was possible to turn it into an entertaining musical, you were wrong. First Wives Club made it’s Pre-Broadway debut on our Chicago stage at the Oriental Theatre this past Wednesday with a full house and lots of applause. This was a…

Chicago Family Staycation Ideas – Enjoy Your City!
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Chicago Family Staycation Ideas – Enjoy Your City!

Chicago Family Staycation Ideas Summer is the time when our kids get out of school, the weather is warm and people like to travel. The biggest problem with that is that is that travel can get expensive! You’re talking about hotels, plane tickets, gas money and more. Perhaps it’s time for a Staycation! Here are…

Chicago’s Pizza Coupons – Free Small Thin Crust Pizza!
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Chicago’s Pizza Coupons – Free Small Thin Crust Pizza!

Chicago’s Pizza Coupons Chicago people are particular about Chicago pizza and with good reason. In my opinion, we have the best pizza in the country and we have a lot of it! Everyone tries to be the best by tinkering with the crust or the sauce, but there are only some who succeed. One of…

Oriental Theater: Heartbeat Of Home Chicago Review!

Oriental Theater: Heartbeat Of Home Chicago Review!

Heartbeat Of Home Chicago Review Heartbeat Of Home Chicago Review March 2014: Powerful. Captivating. Energizing. Airy. Those were the words that continually floated through my mind and likely those of my fellow theatergoers watching Heartbeat of Home at the Oriental Theater. Heartbeat of Home is a step-dancing performance conceived of by John McColgan and Moya…